The first video with impressions of the next-gen Xbox Series X console from Microsoft has appeared on YouTube. And all because from yesterday the Redmond giant lifted the embargo on the publication of evaluative materials from selected media partners.

Kevin Kenson was one of the first YouTubers to publish a video report.

It should be noted that not all of the games presented received their final versions for the top Microsoft console. Nevertheless, already now the productivity of the mentioned projects is at a very high level.

In the video below, the gameplay of the following games awaits you: Control (Xbox One), Destiny 2 (Xbox One), Monster Hunter World (Xbox One), Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox), Fusion Frenzy (Xbox), Final Fantasy XV (Xbox One), Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (Xbox One), Fallout: New Vegas (Xbox 360), Crackdown 3 (Xbox One), AC: Odyssey (Xbox One), Hydro Thunder Hurricane (Xbox 360), Doom Eternal (Xbox One), Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360), Banjo Kazooie (Xbox 360), Quantum Break (Xbox One), Halo Anniversary (Xbox 360), RDR2 (Xbox One), Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One), Geometry Wars and Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One).

As Kevin himself notes, there is a significant reduction in load times in backward compatible games. And this is not surprising, because the new console has at its disposal an SSD, instead of the usual HDD in the “current-gen”, as well as, almost 10 times more powerful CPU.

In addition to reducing load times and improving performance, Microsoft’s next-generation console will also be able to bring HDR support to original Xbox and Xbox 360 games.

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