Relatively reliable Chinese insider Digital Chat Station shared on its Twitter account information about the approximate performance of Qualcomm’s next flagship SOC Snapdragon 875. According to the information received, the new mobile processor will be slightly slower than the Apple A13 Bionic chip in single-threaded performance, while slightly surpassing the brainchild of the Cupertino corporations in the multi-threaded data processing.

To evaluate the performance of the SOC, the Geekbench 4 benchmark was selected. The final results are shown below:

Chip:Single-threaded performance:Multi-threaded performance:
Snapdragon 875~4900~14000
Snapdragon 865~4300~13000
A13 Bionic~5472~13769

If this data is correct, the Snapdragon 875 will not be able to significantly outperform last year’s Apple A13 Bionic chip and only marginally outperform it in multi-threaded tests.

However, it is also worth understanding that the tested sample of the Snapdragon 875 processor is engineering, and most likely, the final performance at release will be 5-10% higher.

Recall that Qualcomm plans to hold a large-scale online presentation dedicated to the Snapdragon 875 processor on December 1, and the first devices based on the advanced mobile chip will be presented only in 2021.

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