It’s been a little over a week since Metal Gear Solid 4 first launched, and now the kd-11 enthusiast has fixed most of the graphical issues we saw in the previous video!
We fixed a depth issue that caused geometry to flicker, and the ability to see through walls/symbols, and an issue where shadows were completely black.
While the game may appear to be “playable”, there are some serious problems currently that prevent it from being considered as such. We will try to keep you informed about changes in MGS4 performance.
First, you might run into difficulties in MGS4. Some users have received various bugs with v1 or v2 updates for this game, so it might be worth trying to update/downgrade the game if you run into problems.
The game also suffers from rather poor performance on most machines and may require some users to use the “SPU ASMJIT Recompiler” setting instead of “SPU LLVM” for added stability.
However, Asmjit does break audio, so we recommend trying the SPU LLVM if it’s stable for you. There is also a problem where you just sometimes fall through the ground. Finally, it seems that some chapters just don’t work, but we cannot fully confirm this yet.
Source: RPCS3 on YouTube