The California company NVIDIA has decided to postpone the presentation of its new products at GTC 2020. This is most likely due to concerns about low demand for this kind of information. And this is not surprising, because now absolutely all media are focused on covering the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and are unlikely to pay attention to the announcement, even if the flagship video adapter. The same can be said about ordinary users/gamers: at the moment people are more interested not in high technologies, but in safety.
We have interesting products and news that we want to share with you. But now is not the right time. We’re not going to share GTC news yet.
This way, our employees, partners, media, and analysts who follow us, and our customers around the world, can focus on staying safe and reducing the spread of the virus.
Apparently, in the near future, we will not find out the true technical characteristics of the GeForce RTX 3080 Ti and GeForce RTX 3080 video cards. However, there is no point in blaming NVIDIA – it needs healthy and vigorous customers who are able to absorb new information and then purchase its products.
Let’s hope that the researchers will be right and the epidemic will start losing ground by the beginning/middle of summer and all canceled presentations/events will find their new dates for holding.