German overclocker isulk ( team) won three gold medals in the ranks of the AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ processor (65nm Brisbane core). The enthusiast conquered such disciplines as PiFast, SuperPi – 1M, and SuperPi – 32M. In this case, the chip frequency was 3380 MHz.
In PiFast, the result was 36 seconds 490 milliseconds:
SuperPi – 1M overclocker finished with 25 seconds 625 milliseconds:
And in the hardest test of this bench session, SuperPi – 32M, the result was 22 minutes 33 seconds 594 milliseconds:
Unfortunately, apart from the GIGABYTE GA-MA790FX-DQ6 motherboard, isulk did not list the rest of the components used in the test bench of this bench session.
Source: HWBot enthusiast profile