From April 22 to April 29, the Epic Games store offers a free-to-play action RPG with elements of the collectible card game Hand of Fate 2 and the highly acclaimed stealth action game Alien: Isolation.
Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger… Created using the CATHODE™ engine.
Alien: Isolation
A new hero rises to challenge the Dealer in Hand of Fate 2! Master a living boardgame of infinitely replayable quests – unlock new cards, build your adventure, then defeat your foes in brutal real-time combat!
Hand of Fate 2
To pick up both games in your collection, you just need to follow this link, or, more conveniently, run the EGS application installed on your PC and pick up the games already in it.